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Research Methodology

What is the research gap?

research gap

Research Gap:

A Research gap is a area of research in any topic that has not been addressed in the existing body of knowledge (literature). The research gap plays a very important role in justifying the novelty of your research (dissertation and thesis) as the researcher includes the research gap in their proposal to address it, so basically you can say research gap is the focused area of your dissertation or thesis that you trying to answer.

Research is an essential component of academic and scientific advancement. The process of research involves identifying a gap in existing knowledge, designing a methodology to address the issue, collecting data, analyzing the results, and drawing conclusions. It is through research that new discoveries are made and innovative ideas are generated.

One of the critical stages of research is identifying a research gap. A research gap refers to an area where there is a lack of information or knowledge. It is a critical component of research because it helps researchers to identify areas where new knowledge can be developed, and for readers, it helps to understand the significance or novelty of the researcher’s work.

Identifying a research gap can be challenging because it requires an in-depth understanding of the existing literature. For example, if a researcher wants to investigate the impact of social media on mental health, they first need to review the existing literature on the topic. In doing so, they may find that most of the research has focused on the negative effects of social media on mental health, but very little research has investigated the positive effects.

In this case, the lack of research on the positive effects of social media on mental health represents a gap in existing knowledge. By identifying this gap, the researcher can design their study to investigate this topic specifically, thereby contributing to the field by generating new knowledge.

Research gaps can also arise from changes in technology, social norms, and political environments. For example, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted gaps in knowledge regarding pandemic preparedness and response strategies. Researchers have now identified these gaps and are working towards filling them by developing new strategies and protocols.

It is important to note that identifying a research gap does not necessarily mean that previous research was incorrect or insufficient. Instead, it means that there is room for improvement and further investigation.

How to Identify the Research Gap:

Basically, to identify the research gap you must be smart enough as only a selective section of the published articles, dissertations, and thesis is only required to study.

before starting to review the literature you must have some questions about what has been done so far in the previous study and what has not been done? so these questions will allow you to be focused while reading and you can skip the unnecessary data.

you will get the research gap in the following sections;

  1. suggestions & recommendations section for the further study
  2. conclusion section 
  3. limitations of the study 
  4. discussion section 

In special cases if you are looking for a methodological gap then you have to review the entire methodology in detail then you will find out the following;

  1. population gap
  2. methodological gap
  3. time & technology gap
  4. conceptual gap

In conclusion, identifying a research gap is a crucial step in designing effective research projects. It enables researchers to develop innovative ideas that contribute to existing knowledge and move fields forward. By continually identifying research gaps and filling them, we can continue to progress in our understanding of the world around us.

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